BUGA-CoL Type I Atelocollagen Solutions for Cell Culture (in PBS) Sterile Filtrated BSE Free 6mg/ml

Product Info


BUGA-CoL Type I Atelocollagen Solutions for Cell Culture (in PBS), Sterile Filtrated, BSE Free, 6 mg/ml (BUGA-Atelocol Solutions-CC) is a product manufactured to medical-grade purity, setting the standard for all collagens in terms of purity (>99.9% collagen content), functionality, and natural collagen properties.  BUGA-Atelocol Solutions-CC undergoes FDA-approved viral inactivation studies. The raw materials are sourced from countries free from TSE/BSE, and production is carried out in compliance with TSE EN ISO 22442 1-2-3 standards. The certificate of analysis confirming the absence of TSE/BSE residues is provided using European Pharmacopoeia (EP 2.6.14 Method C) and United States Pharmacopoeia (USP <85>) test methods.  BUGA-Atelocol Solutions-CC is composed of approximately 97% Type I collagen, with the remaining 3% Type III collagen. BUGA-Atelocol Solutions-CC is sterile-filtered using filters with appropriate pore sizes to ensure the absence of BSE. BUGA-Atelocol Solutions-CC can be directly used for cell culture, preparation of thin layers, or use as a solid gel in applications.


• Atelokolajenin 6 mg/ml konsantrasyonunda PBS ortamında hazırlanmış çözeltisi kullanıma hazır üründür.
• Gerek hücre kültürü uygulamalarında gerekse doku iskelesi tasarımında belirlediğiniz derişime PBS ile seyrelterek kullanabilirsiniz.
• Uzun süreli kullanılmama durumunda +4 °C’de saklayınız.
• Çözelti ürünü vorteksleme, hızlı çalkalama yapmayınız. Dondurma ve tekrar çözüp kullanma işlemi çapraz bağlanmaya neden olacağından önerilmez.

• Hücre Kültürü
• Doku İskelesi Tasarımları
• 3d Biyomalzemeler
• Biyomühendislik
• Malzeme Bilimi
• Biyoteknoloji
• Nanoteknoloji


Technical Specifications of the Product



Intense white color


No Data Available

Extraction Method

Enzymatic-Atelocollagen (in PBS)

Sterilization Method


Solubility/Collagen Concentration

6 mg/ml (in PBS )

Storage Temperature

2-8 ºC

Shelf Life

3 months from the date of manufacture

Packaging Quantity

100 ml- 1000ml

Source (Animal Species)

Bovine Tendon


European Pharmacopoeia (EP 2.6.14 Method C)

United States Pharmacopoeia (USP <85>)

<0,1 EU/ml

Microbiological Analysis

United States Pharmacopoeia (USP <61>)

Aerobic Mesophilic

Bacterial CFU/ml


Anaerobic Mesophilic

Bacteria (30°C) CFU/ml


Fungi-Yeast CFU/ml


SDS PAGE (Molecular Weight and Impurity Determination)

α-1 and α-2 chains with a molecular weight of 125-150 kDa, and β and γ chains above 275 kDa are observed.


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